October 2013 – GAC commissioned to accompany the Belgian aerospace cluster “Skywin” in its implementation of the MACH initiative in Wallonia http://www.skywin.be/fr/node/284 http://www.skywin.be/fr/projetsMACH
September 2013 – GAC retained to perform the feasibility analysis for the transformation of a commercial office space into a private medical clinic with operating rooms
March 2013 – GAC retained as adviser to the CEFRIO in the implementation of the program 2.0 SMEs as the aerospace sector expert. http://www.cefrio.qc.ca/projets-recherches-enquetes/numerique-entreprise/pme-20/
January 2013 – GAC reappointed as manager of the MACH initiative of Aéro Montreal This program aims at enhancing the competitiveness of suppliers through a framework for excellence that enables suppliers to position themselves, identify improvement opportunities and act upon them. The program aims to develop a base of more…
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The objective of the Review is to produce concrete, fiscally-neutral recommendations on how federal policies and programs can help maximize the competitiveness of Canada’s aerospace and space sectors. Within the Aerospace review, the Small Business and Supply Chain Working Group is responsible to examine the issues influencing the competitiveness of small…
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April 2012 – GAC commissioned by Aéro Montreal to manage the integration of marketing Québec aerospace SMEs internationally following the merger with the Quebec Aerospace Association (AQA) GAC’s responsibilities are to lead the AQA’s merger into Aero Montreal under the Markets development SME working group, lead the Supply Chain working group…
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December 2011 – GAC is selected by a multinational to manage a project to overhaul an anode baking furnace for an aluminum smelter in France
December 2011 – GAC retained for the analysis and upgrading of HVAC systems to convert office space to a private medical clinic with an operating rooms.
June 2011 – GAC commissioned by Aéro Montreal to assume management of the MACH initiative, the development program for suppliers to the aerospace industry in Quebec The MACH initiative aims to strengthen the supply chain structure and companies involved in it by creating special collaboration links among customers and suppliers.…
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January 2011 – GAC chosen for the conversion of a commercial building into a private medical facility with operating rooms
August 2010 – GORD Associates is chosen by the City of Montreal to evaluate opportunities and propose a redevelopment plan of Anjou’s commercial park
August 2010 – GAC is chosen to assess and design upgrades to HVAC systems in a private medical facility with operating rooms
June 2010 – GAC commissioned by Aéro Montreal to create a supplier development program in the Québec aerospace sector The program aims to optimize the performance of Québec’s aerospace supply chain and increase its competitiveness internationally and long-term support the strategic growth of the sector.
February 2010 – GAC appointed by a leading international group to act as project manager for the replacement of turbines of a hydro-electric facility in the United Kingdom.
December 2009 – GAC is proud to contribute to the success of the Centre de Développement des Composites du Québec in winning a $2.1 million grant The NSERC grants this subsidy to the Centre de Développement des Composites du Québec ( CDCQ), one of two College Centre for the…
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October 2009 – GAC to act as project manager for a construction project in the tar sands of Alberta for a world-class mining systems provider.
September 2009 – GAC to design a “green” veterinary hospital GAC has been retained for the development of a « green » building to shelter a veterinary hospital. The notion of sustainable development in building relates to the usage of technologies enabling for a better respect of the environment and…
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August 2009 – GAC appointed by a world-class equipment manufacturer to act as project manager for an important project in British Columbia.
July 2009 – L’Institut du Transport Avancé du Québec selects GAC to come up with a technological incubator model and realize an opportunity study.
June 2009 – Within the framework of the MDEIE’s “Mesure d’appui à la productivité”, a manufacturing company chooses GAC Strategy & performance group to support it with implementing ISO 14001.
April 2009 – GAC chosen by an aerospace company to advise with its continuous improvement plan GAC was recently selected to realize an in-depth organizational performance analysis for a manufacturing company of the aerospace sector. The objective of the initiative is to take advantage of the economic slowdown which currently…
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March 2009 – A major real-estate management company selects GAC for a technical professional opinion during a long term lease negotiation.
February 2009 – GAC to act as program manager for Aero Montréal’s Supply Chain Initiative GAC’s services have been retained to manage Aero Montréal’s seven projects for improving the Québec aerospace supply chain. The ultimate goal is to enhance the competitiveness of Québec aerospace subcontractors by planning and executing a…
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February 2009 – GAC to support the Centre National du Transport Avancé (CNTA) in its strategic planning process. The project goals are to identify the CNTA’s positioning and produce the corresponding action plan.
January 2009 – A College Centre for the Transfer of Technologies retains GAC to propose and implement a private-public research partnership for NSERC’s College and Community Innovation Program. The program’s goal is to increase innovation at the regional level by enabling Canadian colleges to increase their capacity to work with…
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December 2008 – GAC retained by a manufacturing company to prepare a technical feasibility study and find solutions for replacing production compression systems.
November 2008 – GAC selected by a building management company to realize energy improvement audits for its buildings.
October 2008 – GAC retained by a major building management company, to realize a feasibility study for replacing HVAC systems in one of its offices tower.