September 2009 – GAC to design a “green” veterinary hospital
GAC has been retained for the development of a « green » building to shelter a veterinary hospital. The notion of sustainable development in building relates to the usage of technologies enabling for a better respect of the environment and ecology in its construction and operation. For this project, GAC will design all electromechanical systems for the building and will also act as project manager for the construction and for obtaining the necessary LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification which, in Canada, is necessary for a building to be considered as “green”.
The LEED Green Building Rating System, developed by the US Green Building Council, provides a suite of standards for environmentally sustainable construction. To obtain one of the four LEED levels (certified, silver, gold or platinum), a green building must comply with energy efficiency standards, water consumption efficiency standards, heating efficiency standards, must use locally produced construction supplies and must reuse its materials surplus.